Thursday, February 28, 2008

Debate: Should Islam be Banned in the US?

It is time for a debate in this country. Should be constitution be amended either to:

1) Ban Islam in the United States altogether:

or if not,

2) Treat Muslims as Christians are treated in Arab countries with (a) a special tax on all Muslims (earmarked for Homeland Security); (b) banning all new mosques; (c) forbidding the repair of mosques; and (d) outlawing proselytizing for Islamic conversion.

Of course either of these would currently be unconstitutional, so the debate must center around whether there should be a constitutional amendment. Of course any Muslim in the US could avoid any problems by converting to any other religion, so there need be no hardship. Just as there is no hardship on Christians in the Arab world, right?

I am open to hearing both sides.


Douglas said...

I would settle for making it the express policy of the United States to encourage freedom of religion in every country on Earth.

Conservatarian said...

OK, and how should the United States do that exactly? Military action? Economic sanctions? Currently, there is no true religious freedom in any Islamic-controlled country.

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