Tuesday, April 27, 2010

G.M.'s Misleading Ad

The Washington Times and others are reporting on General Motors's supposed pay back of bailout funds, which GM is touting in a television advertisement. The pay back claim is a fraud, of course. The money "paid back" came from other bailout funds. GM lost money in 2009, and could not have paid back the funds with actual profits.

Here is the ad edited with comments (not mine):

Here is my question. IF GM will deliberately mislead us on the bailout money issue, how can you expect honesty in its product advertising?

I will probably have to buy a car this year. I am not at all interested in helping GM. I will be looking elsewhere, probably Ford.

I don't trust GM and never will as long as GM is majority government and union owned. By this ad, GM has shown us that it will delight in misleading us. How can we trust it not to lie about its products?

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