Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean

After that scumbag Perez Hilton slimed Carrie Prejean and the rest of America rallied to her defense, that a belief in traditional marriage is hardly a disqualifier for a beauty pageant, that pretty much should have ended matters.

I am baffled why the left sees a beauty pageant in political terms or how the left justifies its horrid misbehavior in continuing to slime a young contestant because of supposed hypocrisy. How is it hypocritical, exactly, to both believe that marriage is between a man and to make a solo sex video for a boyfriend (opposite sex)? Are't they both heterosexual? Does making a private sex video for a boyfriend (dumb move) preclude heterosexual marriage later?

I wholly endorse the opinions expressed in Newsreal. It is a good read and well-reasoned.

I don't see Carrie Prejean as a role model, just a model. One who has been terribly wronged by the left.

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