Friday, April 28, 2006

Stupid? Or Principled?

The United States (with a smattering of other democracies) conquered Iraq. We liberated the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein, the Butcher of Baghdad.

If we were really imperialists, we could have made Iraq a colony. Or a territory like Guam and Puerto Rico.

No. We are giving it back to the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people voted on their own constitution. We allowed it to happen. We even encouraged it. We have been overly generous.

The Iraqi constitution makes Islam the offical religion of Iraq. According to the constitution, no law may contradict Islam. Article 2 states,
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
B. No law that contradicts the principles of democracy may be established.
C. No law that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this constitution may be established.

Wait a minute. The United States has been under attack by violent Islmic jihadists, Osama bin Laden and his buddies. We are constantly under attack by them in the name of the Allah of Islam. Still, we allowed the country we conquered to adopt a constitution by which Islam is the official religion thaqt may not be contradicted by any other law.

Are we out of our minds? Or is that irrefutable proof that the United States really is the good guy there.

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