Monday, April 08, 2013

US Government's War Against Christians

Can there any longer be doubt that the Federal government is at war with Christianity?

The United States Army is training its soldiers that the following are examples of  religious extremism:

  • Evangelical Christians
  • Catholicism
  • Islamophobia

I wish I were kidding.  My ex-military parents, uncle and grandfather must be churning up their graves about now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How Congressional Reps Should Respond to Media on Gun Control

The media is in a gun control frenzy.  They love to bait gun control opponents with loaded questions.  Here is my proposed response that works with just about any question from the media:
"Let me get this straight.  Are you saying that Congress should pass laws infringing on the right of the people to keep and bear arms?"  Then, to paraphrase Stephen Colbert, "Have you read the Constitution?"
Even it more gun control were a good idea, it is NOT the province of the federal government under our federal system.  The first questions any congress person should ask before voting for ANY legislation is whether it is properly a matter for the federal government.  If the answer is no, vote no.

Under the Second amendment, it is the exclusive province of the states to regulate firearms.  "...Congress shall make no law...."  Not some laws.  Not limited laws.  Not reasonable laws.  No law.

No law means none, zero, zip.

I wish the Supreme Court could read plain English.

If gun regulation is such a great idea, persuade the state legislatures.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Focus on "Violent Crime," not "Gun Violence"

The left's new weapon against guns is ... words. Now the left is all concerned about curbing "gun violence." Apparently Piers Morgan and crew prefer you to be stabbed or bludgeoned to death rather than shot by a firearm. The problem is "violent crime" not violence only by gun.

When they focus on "gun violence" rather than "violent crime" they ignore the problem. Their message is that they would be happy if violent criminals to change their methods. They want them to choose weapons other than guns. The leftists apparently don't care about knife violence, death by bludgeon, death by strangulation, death by poison and on and on.

 The left does not want you to use a gun to be able to defend against a violent attack. Bulk up, ladies. According to the left, you should not be such wimps. Defend yourselves with your bare hands. So what if your attacker outweighs you by a hundred pounds or so?

 Back to the point. Every time the anti-gun crowds talks about "gun violence," they should be corrected. The problem is violent crime, whether by gun, knife, baseball bat or any other weapon. Focusing only on gun violence is completely dishonest.

Gender Silliness