Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bush Does Something Right --Apparently on Purpose

Can it be that President Bush has finally gotten the message that seems to have escaped Congressional Republican the last several years? President Bush is actually threatening to veto the emergency spending bill, intended for Katrina aid, because it contains too much pork, according to the Washington Times this morning.

It is about time. But it may be too late to save the Republican majority from the likely defection of conservative voters disgusted with runaway spending. The Republican majority has engaged in profligate spending far too long to get saved by one veto threat, I suspect.

As I have blogged in the past, the Republicans seem to be more effective in restraining spending when they are in the minority vocally criticizing Democratic excesses. When in power, their eyes glaze over and they get infected themselves with the spending bug.

It's the spending, Stupid.

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