Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Contract with America Breached?

The 1994 Contract with America contained 10 points. The first point was support for a balanced budget amendment. In 1995, a balanced budget amendment bill passed the House of Representatives, but was rejected by the Senate. Letely, however, the Washington Times points out in an editorial this morning that Republican spending seems unrestrained. Although the letter of point one of the contract with America was not breached, the spirit has been.

I looks to me as if the Republican party was better able to restrain spending when it was a minority party. As the majority party, the Republicans have been infected with the spend-other-people's-money disease.

Remember, the money does not belong to Republicans or Democrats. The money belongs to you and me, and it is taken from us by force. Force of law, to be sure, but the law is backed up ultimately by force of arms.

The bottom line is that perhaps the Republicans need to be taught a lesson by losing control of Congress. We the people are no worse off (at least in the spending arena), because the Republicans would become fiscally conservative again working to restrain Democratic spending.

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