Friday, February 12, 2010

Who is Paul Ryan and Why Should You Know About Him?


It seems there is one small government guy in Washington that actually walks the talk. Economist Paul Samuelson has written an article about Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that tells us that someone on Washington is actually responsible and serious about the size of government.

We all know that social security is the government's biggest expense. It is a giant Ponzi scheme to boot. But we now have many, many people dependent on it. The "system" is rapidly going bust. Paul Ryan wants to tackle the tough issues. And they desperately need to be addressed.

The rest of government is taking the ostrich approach.

Paul Ryan sounds like a great tea party candidate to me.

Update: Here is Paul Ryan's presentation of his Roadmap for America's Future.

Here is a Weekly Standard article discussing Paul Ryan and his road map.

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