Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Erik Scott's Alleged History of Violence

Erik Scott was the person shot by las Vegas metro police outside a Costco in July. Links here, here, here and here. According to Las Vegas news media, the Metro police are digging into Erik Scott's past.

There are three incidents that, of course have nothing to do with the actual shooting, but may reflect on Scott and perhaps on his reaction to a potentially violent situation.

Scott's first wife Violet filed domestic violence charges against him in Colorado in the late 1990's (divorced 1999) and his second wife made allegations of threats of violent in 2003 divorce filings. Unfortunately, these sorts of allegations in connection with divorce proceedings are all too common and frequently (but not always) are false or exaggerated to gain a tactical advantage in the divorce.

In March 2010, Mr. Scott's neighbor filed a police report claiming that Scott pointed a gun at him. There does not appear to be any charge or court finding upholding the accusation. Mr. Scott's father says that Erik Scott pointed the gun at the dog only after being bitten. (I hate dog cases. Dog owners are frequently totally irrational about their dogs.)

There is an additional report that the coroner's inquest will be televised.

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